Thursday, January 19, 2012

The I.V Round 2.

2 weeks on orals. Literally just walked in the door from my check up.
Got the news I didn't want to hear. I was expecting it though.
For what it's worth this round of meds hasn't been insanly harsh but I can't lie that it still sucks.

This is my current list of symptoms that my meds have brought out in these two weeks.
My lyme and 2 co infections babesia and bartonella are all out:
-Chest pain
-Dizzy/light headed
-Feeling of a lump in my throat
-Hot flashes
-Not sleeping
-Ears popping
-Joint pian /knees & hips
-Muscle Pain/ legs & back
-Tummy pains/cramps

You're probably like what the fuck ha. Why do this to yourself, and I often ask myself the same thing...
So the goal is to go on I.V rosefin and oral mepron starting next week. Mepron will bring more shit out so the I.V medicine can kill it. That's the basic science of it.
My doc seems to believe I should only be on the I.V for a month. I laughed naturally..
I bank on at least 3 months then again who really knows then back on orals for a short while.

I DO have some mixed feelings about this though. Because 1. I much prefer i.v or orals anyday. 2. I did very well on i.v. last time even though I was on it for over a year.
The down side is obviously having so sit through an i.v for at least 5 days a week and money and of course the anxiety of what if I became allergic to it...

We shall see how it goes. Just a little update for you..

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